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Ondřej Štěpánek:
E-mail: ondrej.stepanek@img.cas.cz
Phone: +420 296 442 155
Institute of Molecular Genetics
of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Vídeňská 1083
142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic

How to get to IMG by public transport:

From bus station Praha Florenc
take underground (Metro) line C to Kačerov, change to bus 138 to Ústavy akademie věd.

From railway station Praha hlavní nádraží
take underground (Metro) line C to Kačerov, change to bus 138 to Ústavy akademie věd.

From Prague Airport
take Bus AE (Airport Express) to the railway station Praha hlavní nádraží, change to underground (Metro) line C to Kačerov and then to bus 138 to Ústavy akademie věd.

The bus stop Ústavy akademie věd is directly opposite to the reception of Academy of Science.

IMG is situated in building F. You will find our lab on the first floor.